Scorm Implementation
General notes
Since Smart Knowledge Hub is planned to feature a lot of more functionalities than a conventional Learning Management System, not all parts of the SCORM standard are implemented as is usual.
You'll find all necessary details on the implementation below.
SCORM Runtime Environment
Smart Knowledge Hub provides a runtime environment that is based on SCORM 2004. That means that you can use that data model and all API functions of SCORM 2004, with one exception: adl.nav fields are not supported and will return a 402 "Unimplemented Data Model Element" error when used.
These fields were originally designed to navigate between different parts of a Multi-SCO SCORM package — a package that contains more that one content objects and information on how the relate to each other.
Multi-SCO packages
A conventional Learning Management System is supposed to provide navigational controls by interpreting these relations and a corresponding runtime interface for each part of the SCORM package to get information about if navigational request will succeed at a specific point of the course. It was also designed to share resources between the different parts of the packages and thus save disk space, which was important when SCORM 2004 was designed.
Smart Knowledge Hub is planned to support gamification features that supersede the concept of Multi-SCO packages by providing a well-defined user experience around a collection of single SCORM packages.
So, when using Smart Knowledge Hub, separate Single-SCO package must be used instead of a single Multi-SCO package. Please contact us if you have any questions about this.
SCORM 2004 Editions
You can use the 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions of SCORM 2004. Smart Knowledge Hub will make no difference on this.
SCORM manifest and Launch URL
Smart Knowledge Hub completely ignores the manifest the SCORM package provides. It provides all the files inside the SCORM package inside the Runtime Environment. By default, the index.html file in the main directory will be started by Smart Knowledge Hub when presenting the content to the user. You can change this Launch URL via the Project Management.